
Sports & culture

Bathing fun with a touch of wood

New rows of changing cabins add a natural wood character and perfectly match the architecture of the 1920s at the lido in Klagenfurt.



The lido adjacent to the Wörthersee lake in Klagenfurt has been attracting guests for more than 100 years. A wide range of wood products from JAF were deployed in this successful extension project. The new building containing 455 changing cabins and 524 lockers adds no end of charm through the use of screen printing plates made of premium plywood. Besides the plywood, JAF also supplied the wood for the door frames. In addition, JAF delivered the interior and exterior panels needed to clad the inside and outside of the building.


Information about the project

Project: Klagenfurt Lido

Concept & Implementation: spado architects, Architekturbüro Roth, Oberascher Tischlerei

JAF branch: JAF Villach | Austria

Materials: Plywood film/film, screen printing plates from UPM, interior and exterior panels from FunderMax, 3-ply boards

Photos: © Gert Steinthaler, Christian Brandstätter, spado architects & Architekturbüro Roth

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